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MINI COOPER 2002 -2006

Which "R" model, do you have?

The MINI Cooper is split up into "generations" and this section is for 1st Generation cars. And Gen 1 cars are further split up into "R-Models".

With how our site works, we have to put a year range, so you will see we list 2002-2006 for these Gen 1 cars, but it's not quite that simple.

The hatchback version of the Gen 1 was indeed offered from 2002-2006, and those consisted of the naturally aspirated (non-supercharged) model, referred to by the R50 designation, and the supercharged S model which is referred to as R53.

However, the convertible version of the 1st gen MINI came out in 2005 and didn't get updated to the next generation until 2009, two years later than the hatchback.

Gen 1 convertibles only came in the supercharged S version and were referred to as R53.

Thus, there were two years, 2007 and 2008, where the hatchback had moved on to the 2nd generation car, but the convertible was still a Gen 1.

So, owners of the convertible version should be shopping here in this section for parts for their Gen 1 MINI even if they have a 2007 or 2008.

Since this can make fitment info for parts a little confusing to list by years, in many places on our site you will see us refer to R50, R52 and R53 when citing what models certain parts fit.


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