Please note, if any Racing Beat or Good-Win Racing products are not in stock in the UK, we will aim to fulfil orders within 3/4 weeks.


RacingBrake Carbon Ceramic Disc Brake Packages, Conversion kits and Iron to Ceramic Carbon conversions. is a wholly owned division of TPM Products, Inc. Who specialise in developing and producing precision parts and components for the automotive and marine industries.

Since 1985, TPM has supplied quality parts to major distributors in North America and has earned a sterling reputation by emphasising integrity, innovation, and service. This philosophy is maintained in our RacingBrake division.

Click here to Tour RacingBrake's Facility and Products

"News Update" Koenigsegg Agera One, the worlds fastest Supercar uses  Surfacetransform Carbon Ceramic Brake Discs that you can buy here for your own Supercar.    

If your vehicles application is not listed but can be found on the RacingBrake site please contact us for assistance


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